When you consider purchasing a safe, look at all the options available. In fact, there are many different options to choose from.
Fire Safes
This is the most popular home safe buyers are looking for when purchasing a safe. UL-rated fire resistance safes can protect cash, important documentation, jewelry, and other valuables from fire damage. We recommend every home has at least one fire safe.
Burglary Safes
Burglary Safes keep people out. These are great not only for protecting valuables from burglars but also from children. These safes are usually bolted down.
Commercial Safes
These are safes are primarily for businesses. They usually come with deposit box for storing cash and important documents.
Gun Safes
These safes are built to house handguns or rifles. They usually have a door which will open quickly for quick asses in an emergency. Many gun safes are rated for fire protection as well. If you own firearms then a gun safe is a must.
Gun Safe