Is there a difference between OEM car keys and third-party car keys?
Third Party Ford Chip Key
Well first lets define what OEM means. OEM is short for Original Equipment Manufacturer, parts made by the manufacturer or for the manufacturer by third party under license agreement to manufacturer specs and often include a logo or trade mark.
Usually third party or aftermarket parts are similar to OEM in looks but may differ a bit in quality. OEM car keys and third party car keys do vary and not all are equal in terms of quality. There are many third party manufacturers of car keys and keyless entry remotes many of which the quality is not great.
With over 10 years in the business, The Keyless Shop has tested several third party manufactures and now works only with the best. The quality of our third party car keys is excellent and hardly noticeable from the OEM. Usually the only difference between the OEM car key and our third party car keys is the logo. Third party car keys for Ford vehicles for example will not say ford and may either be blank or have another logo such as a Keyless Shop or ILCO logo.
OEM Ford chip key